• info.bright.mk@gmail.com
  • Skopje, North Macedonia

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Рециклирање: Како правилно да селектираме и младите како двигатели на промени Рециклирањето е еден од најважните процеси за зачувување на животнатасредина. Со сортирање на отпадот, материјалите што можат да се искористатповторно се одвојуваат и се праќаат на понатамошна обработка. Ова не само штого намалува количеството отпад на депониите, туку и ја намалува потребата занови суровини. Во овој текст ќе објасниме […]

Sports for Inclusion

Sports for Inclusion

We’re thrilled to have 5 of our members representing Bright at the “Sports for Inclusion” Erasmus+ training course in the Netherlands, in period 28 October to 5 November 2024 This amazing project brings people together from all over Europe to build inclusion through sports, try new games, and explore beautiful new places! Our team is connecting with inspiring youth, learning […]

More Magic of Improv

More Magic of Improv

🎉✨ We’ve successfully completed the amazing training course “More Magic of Improv” in the beautiful Poronin, Poland 🇵 from September 1-8, 2024! 🎭 Bright was thrilled to be a partner in this inspiring journey, packed with creativity, fun, and personal growth! 💡🌟

Digital Power of Nature Fighters

Digital Power of Nature Fighters

🎉Our members are very grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus + Youth Exchange project “Digital Power of Nature Fighters ❕️ The project took place in Bolu, Turkey and lasted from August 3rd to 11th. This project is funded by the European Union. where there are 57 participants from 6 different countries: Macedonia, Romania, Italy, Turkey, […]

We Are Part of the Solution for Nature

We Are Part of the Solution for Nature

Our 5 Bright members successfully participated in the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “We Are Part of the Solution for Nature”, held in Bolu, Turkey, from May 27 to June 2, 2024. Through this incredible experience, they engaged in activities focused on environmental sustainability, learning how to take action for a greener future. From hands-on workshops to impactful discussions, our members are […]

The Journey

The Journey

Our member Anika Chorbeska, participated in the Erasmus+ Training Seminar “The Journey” in Krakow, Poland in period 11-19 may 2024

Theatre as Engine of Awareness

Theatre as Engine of Awareness

Our six Bright members had an unforgettable experience at the “Theatre as Engine of Awareness” project held in Lecce, Italy, from May 6-14. Through powerful workshops, creative performances, and deep discussions, they explored how theater can be a driving force for raising awareness and creating social change. This project gave our team the tools to use theater as a platform […]

Democracy in Action: Fostering Civic Engagement

Democracy in Action: Fostering Civic Engagement

“Democracy in Action: Fostering Civic Engagement” training course was implemented in Antalya/Türkiye between 15-23 April 2024. Germany, Türkiye, North Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Latvia were participating countries in this training course. There was 4 members from Bright from Macedonia . During the training course, informal and non-formal education methods have been used and have been supported […]

Young Entrepreneurs in Action

Young Entrepreneurs in Action

Some impressions from members of Bright who participated in the Erasmus+ youth exchange “young entrepreneurs in action” in Istanbul, Turkey, in period 22-28 april 2024 Gathered under the vibrant sky of Istanbul, Turkey, amidst the scent of spices and the echo of ancient traditions, our diverse group embarked on an Erasmus journey unlike any other. United under the banner of […]

Innovative Tools for Autistic Young People

Innovative Tools for Autistic Young People

Our team was thrilled to take part in the Innovative Tools for Autistic Young People (IT4AYP) project in Hagen, Germany! Hosted by Gemeinnütziger Verein für Gesundheit, Bildung, Kultur und Sport, this Erasmus+ project brought together 36 youth workers from 12 countries, including Greece, Germany, Spain, Italy, Turkey, North Macedonia, Portugal, Lithuania, Romania, The Netherlands, Croatia, and Bulgaria. 🇪🇺 Throughout the […]